Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | earth | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0 (RackfsZero)for such image the image st:ould be displayed and printed with black whute reversed LZW Compression for grayscale mapped color and full cotor images Set Appendix F. 32773 = PackBits conpression, a sinple byte oriented n length cheme for 1-bit images. Sec. Appendix Data compression only applies raster imagc as pointcd w by SuipOffsets All othe TIEF infonnaion is unaflected Default -1 GrayResponseCurve Tr 291 {123} Type SHORT *C *BiusParSamplc purpose J0 "the gray response and the gray uaits is to provide more exact photometric interpretation information for gray scalc image data in terms of optical density The GrayScaleRespomseUnits pecifie the accurac the information contained the curve Since optical density 15 specified in terms of fractional nuu ibers. this tag is ne ...